25 DevOps Interview Questions in 2020

25 Devops interview questions

1. How do you create a fresh build job in Jenkins? A fresh Jenkins job can be created by following the mentioned steps:  Steps Actions  1 You need to login to the Jenkins dashboard, then click on the new item present at the top left side of the dashboard.  2 Insert the name of the […]

Most Common DevOps Trends in 2020

Most Common DevOps Trends in 2020

For almost decades now, DevOps has remained the silver bullet for modern businesses in their journey toward digitalization. As the digital front becomes a mandate for all organizations to achieve a sustainable place in the marketplace, DevOps is also transforming itself to provide improved technique and flow of software development for small, medium, as well […]


Best Time to upgrade in corona outbreak- learn online

Most of us are searching about the coronavirus updates, this word has affected many to date, and the intensity is increasing day by day. I hope we shall get a solution to this problem soon. Recently got some news (on 12th March) that Israel has developed a vaccine for Corona, I hope this is confirmed […]

DevOps and Agile: Friends or Foes?

DevOps and Agile: Friends or Foes?

Those days are gone, when software development was a hectic task, with month-long deadlines for creation, testing, and deployment of software. This happened primarily due to compromised quality of software, which was delivered without proper assessment of code in a rush to meet the timeline barely. Fast forward to today, development teams are yearning for […]

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