Learn React & Nodejs
Javascript has been the number one programming language in recent years, thanks to the burst of Full Stack development possible with various JS technologies. The Future of Javascript Esp after ES6 looks very promising. Two technologies that stand out are React and NodeJS and there is a huge market for these technologies. How can you […]
Raising the Analytics capability level of Tableau through Python Integration

Tableau being one of the most popular go-to tools for Data Analysis does not need any introduction. Almost every Data Analyst uses it at some point in the project life-cycle. But it has a shortcoming in terms of its limited capability to perform complex statistical analysis, because of the limited statistical functions that are available […]
Analytics Tool Kit- Data Scientists Must be equipped with

Analytics industry is in currently under massive transformation phase. To keep up with the ever-changing needs of the kind of problems at hand, the toolkit of today’s data scientist must be equipped with cutting edge tools. One such tool, SAS, was once the swiss-knife of a Data Scientist but its inability to transform as per […]
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) in Analytics driven projects

Artificial Intelligence (AI) today’s date, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) are a few terms that are being used by Technology evangelists interchangeably. These terms have their own distinct place and meaning when it comes to Analytics-driven projects. AI is actually a big umbrella that houses ML and DL inside it. […]
All About Data Science & its Scope
According to US Department Statistical Report, the demand for data Science Professionals will grow by 40 percent. DATA is the new oil. All types of companies ranging from small to large size have started investing in a Data-driven approach and setting up a Data Scientist Team for data mining using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Machine Learning […]

Thank you, everyone, who has read my previous posts. I hope it added value and helped you in your day to day executions. This time, I thought let me explain about story points, which is the point of confusion among individuals. This post will help you understand What is the story point estimation? Why is […]