React is a library to develop User Interfaces. It allows developers to split UI into multiple pieces and think of those pieces in isolation and improve them.
It is capable of rending UI and handling Events.
React is a library which is developed/maintained at Facebook and later open-sourced to the rest of the world.
Yeah !! You may have already read some similar definition elsewhere on the web. While they are correct, they paint only half of the picture. React to me is more than just a UI Library. It’s a thought process, Its a mindset. I would go a step further and say its a lifestyle which, when understood correctly, can be applied to other parts of work/life. React allows you to think about re-usability right from the get-go. I can go on and on, but only once you start working on React, you can appreciate how awesome this tiny library is. Sounds interesting? Wait until you see its superpowers
Let’s say you have a bag of building blocks. Yeah, the same ones which little kids love. Open it in front of a kid, sit back, and observe. The innovator within the kid comes alive and starts creating anything between a house, car, or even Rocket [ assuming the bag has the necessary pieces and well probably with a little help too].
Think of React like a bag of building blocks, and instead of the kid, we are going to have you – The developer. Anything and everything you create with React will be a component. You can consider a component as an essential building block of your application UI. You will use HTML, CSS, and javascript to create these blocks. Now that is the only difference between the Lego blocks and React. The rest of the things are very similar. Don’t believe me. Wait till you read React’s next superpower.
Just like how a kid can combine multiple building blocks to create different shapes, just like how Power Rangers can come together to become even more powerful, React components can be combined to create other UI components with ease. As a developer, you focus on creating and reusing these components and then mold it to a proper shape to resemble your application. When work becomes play like building blocks, Who doesn’t like it ??
Did you ever had an excellent friendly neighbor who is always there with you and tags along with all your other friends..? Well, React is something like that good old friendly neighbor. React is helpful in a manner where it can happily coexist with all of your other friends. I mean to say other tech stacks. Be it Angular, Asp.Net, or simply Jquery, React can work alongside these other frameworks or libraries. This is a Real superpower when you look at migrating decade-old distributed complex web applications.
If you are a web developer and have some basic knowledge of HTML, Javascript and CSS, you are good to start working on React. Yes, That is all you will ever need to develop a decent application in React. Throw in a few nodejs commands, and you can easily deploy applications to production with ease. Don’t believe me?? Wait till you see us doing it together.
Almost none of the React discussion are complete without the term ‘Virtual DOM’. The developers at Facebook used this smart trick to ensure only the necessary changes are applied to DOM in a minimal number of steps. Why was this important, you may ask? Updated to DOM is slow and expensive. How did Facebook achieve it? I can’t wait to show this to you in action during the workshop.
Ladies and Gentleman, that is React and mainly its superpowers in a nutshell. This is only a quick introduction to what React is capable of. Guess what, and There is more fun awaiting when you get your hands dirty and see all these things in action. Excited? I’m more than sure you are 🙂
In case you are working for a corporate firm, talk to your training and development department in your company and request them to have you & your team trained on React.
If you are an individual and looking for your first job or your next big jump in the industry, be sure that you are in the right place.
React, and Nodejs is currently hot technologies in the market. Being a Fullstack Developer in your title can attract more quality jobs.
We @ Technovids are committed to help you and your team become quickly competitive with React and develop web applications aligning to industry standards. We wish you only the best.
Best Regards, Team Technovids
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